With all the interest lately in vintage patterns and sewing, I thought you'd like to see an ad for Simplicity Patterns from the October 1958 Seventeen magazine I've been posting about. Featured here is Simplicity pattern 2687.
The ad copy states, "You can see the admiration in his eyes...your dress is terrific! And when you tell him you made it yourself, he'll be even prouder.
Sewing is such a wonderful way to have the color, the fabric, the style that does the most for you. (The kind of clothes men notice.) And you can expect even your first dress to turn out perfectly with Simplicity Printed Patterns. They're marked piece by piece with such easy-to-follow directions, it's like having an expert to help you at every step.
What fun to have a divine new dress for every dance without feeling extravagant! And there are hundreds of Simplicity styles to choose from. You'd hardly believe it, but both dresses here are made from the same Simplicity Pattern, No. 2687."
All I have to say is, "Yes, Virginia, butt bows did exist before the 1980's!