Jean Patou BoutiqueNothing says summer like a pop of colorful print. In 1968, simple lines in shift and tent dresses were what every gal wanted. Designers dressed those styles up with wild and colorful abstract and floral prints, the brighter the better.

Fellow blogger and fave fashion icon
Sal at Already Pretty has banished black from her wardrobe for the entire summer. She has challenged herself to wear color and more color every day until August. Sal posts her daily outfit each evening, so you can watch her creativity in meeting her goal for the next 2 1/2 months. I'm looking forward to the results! For Sal, and anyone else who wants to join her challenge, may I suggest these fun dresses from 1968 for inspiration?

Pierre Cardin

Jacques Tiffeau

Lauren Hutton in Vera

Photo 1 and 3 by Guegan, photo 4 from an ad for cotton, 1968 , photo 5 by Penn, photo 6 from an ad for McMullen and Tabu perfume, 1968. Photo of Sal via her blog Already Pretty.