Anyone who loves full-skirted cotton dresses from the 1950's and 60's will recognize the name Serbin of Florida. Serbin began as a sportswear manufacturer in Cleveland and they were well known for their golf dresses and co-ordinated separates in the 1940's. The company moved to Miami in 1944 and became known as Serbin of Florida. In the 1950's and early 60's they were noted for their well-made cotton day dresses and sun dresses and by this time, they were one of the largest clothing manufacturers in Florida. Their ads from this era always featured the tag line, "Urban or suburban...always wear a Serbin."
Some of their dresses came with matching sweaters edged in the dress fabric.
I've sold many a Serbin dress over the years, but this is by far my favorite. Striped cotton chambray is cut and pieced to form a hexagonal spider web design on the back of the bodice.