Anne Hathaway has been nominated for Best Actress for her role in
Rachel Getting Married. Hathaway has a unique characteristic of looking good in just about anything, and wearing it well.
Hathaway at the 2008 Oscars
Hathaway at the 2007 Oscars
Hathaway at the premier of "Rachel Getting Married"I saved Hathaway for last because I couldn't decide who I would like to see her wear. She would look equally smashing in 1940's Adrian, 1960's Norell, or 1980's St. Laurent. In the end, though, I knew it was Hathaway who could carry off the drama of 1950's Dior. And I would love to see Hathaway in any of these gorgeous gowns.

Would you rather see her wear this 1951 Dior gown of gold embroidery on maroon tulle or.....

....this 1955 gown made famous in Avedon's photo of
Dovima with the Elephants......
.....or this 1957 Dior gown of red polka dots. The hem climbs slightly higher in the front, as you can see in the mirror.
Which would you choose?